📸 My Assistant Photographer, A History Test, & More! 📄


Well my tests is finally over but it will be useless since I got the visa for the US and probably have to leave Cambodia soon.


Well the tests are now over and so is my days at a Cambodian school well not yet but soon it will be over. So yeah I got the visa to go to the US but it is not 100%, there are still a few more steps. Yeah soon I'll have to quit school here since I'll be leaving the country and need to get everything ready. I do need a piece of paper from my school saying that I am in 9th grade and had it transalted into English. I probably could do the translating and just need the offical stamp and the thing that is always on top of the paper.


I tried to ask the teacher for it today but as soon as the lesson ended and I put my books away he was already in another class. Maybe I'll have better luck next time hopefully. I've been thinking of the best was to approuch them and even how to start the conversation. See I do that a lot preparing for something or plan how thing going to go but when it actually happened I forgot all about my plans.


Anyway this was in the test well this is a note that Ta Hak made after the teacher told us about what was on the test. I tried to memorize but all I remember is the order of the Southeast asia countries that joing like on what date and stuff. I know the first 5 countries and the one after that. Yeah I think this is the first time I ever did good on history. I mean I already know the basic about World War 1 and World War 2 so it is kinda easyish.


Anyway this is not a really good picture since Ta Hak took it but it is the best one of the okay one that he took. So yeah he took all of the pictures except for the thumbnail that I took and the one of himself which Sophea took (the girl in the picture). Yeah soon I'll have to say goodbye to him and the others as well, Atleast I will still have his Facebook, Instagram, phone number and of course his chess account. So I could still not lose contact with my friends.

Monkey B

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Good luck on your journey to the United States! I hope everything goes well!

@srey-yuu parting is really hard but what makes it beautiful is that you will open new opportunity. Friends will be always there though there very far away. Good luck on your new journey☺☺ take care always and have a safe flight ✈️

Congratulations and Best of luck to your new journey. I am sure a lot of your classmates will miss you. It must be a bitter sweet moment for you to leave everything and everyone behind in Cambodia but to enter the life full of chances and opportunities. Make good choices and I wish you all the best. Make the most out of this very great opportunity.

Congrats on your new journey to US,May you reach your goals and plan in life. Be safe always and dont forget to enjoy the journey.LIFE is not a bed of roses but just do all your best and have faith and self courage and believe in yourself.