Embracing God Almighty 🙏

in Ecency11 months ago (edited)

we might be in one problem or the other and be in great thought how this is really going to pass us by. it may really come unexpectedly to us or gradually gradually to the extent that it may really want to overwhelm us in Life.

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One thing is embracing God Almighty we should know of a truth that he is the author and finisher of our faith, we should with open arms run to him to him. In all our doings God is aware and would never forsake us, we might feel bad or not happy about the situation but we should never loose hope in our good Lord. Our Lord never fails and would never in any problem as he was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end Amen.
we should always be rest assured that we are following the very right path and he in which we are following can never ever fail us in any situation in which we might find ourselves. A child when want to be flogged or done anything not pleasing to him or her on sighting the parents, relatives or another person runs to the person, there is this assurance that that person might really prevent that coming. We also in all difficulties, problems should always know that God is there and far more great that that which may really be at hand.

we should hold him tight in all and never let go in Life.


In a word in which many today do not pay attention to thw things of the Spirit, it is necessary that this kind of message be spread
We should hold God tight. The message is clear and clear indeed


It is important to follow the way of the Lord because He is going to guide us through. Embracing God because He is the owner of our lives and it is by His grace we are living.

It is very important my dear to follow God Almighty 🙏

Thank you for bringing back our consciousness to God.

You are highly Welcome