I guess ‘M&K Wildman Roofing Specialists’ never thought grand entrances were important. While the only entrance to their offices looks pitiful now, it would never have been great before the ‘fire’.
This company still appears to be around operating from nearby Nantwich, but the 'K' partner seems to have vanished and is not even listed as a retired director.
Meanwhile, 'M', otherwise known as 'Michael', born in 1945 probably should hang up his roofing boots. Climbing up on roofs in your 80s is hardly a great idea. I have noticed my balance isn't getting any better when climbing walls, and I am very far from this age.
We came upon this one by accident, as it was next to ‘Crewe Electricity Works’ and similarly blocked off by the same gate and fencing. I was not going to include it as it looked like a derelict wasteland, devoid of anything interesting, that was until we reached that terrible-looking office you see (above).
Fortunately, this was February which made wading through all the crap a little easier. The scrawny trees can still poke you in the eye if you don't watch it.
Climbing the burnt stairs seemed pointless, we could both see what was up there in the form of a raised platform that may well collapse any minute.
No doubt there was a large fire here and whatever was in that rusty round barrel was not combustible or these sights would have been far worse.
A few metal fencing parts were still standing, not that they were going to stop us from progressing this, so far..., quite terrible explore.
Now we are getting to the highlight, this is the bosses office. Just look at the decor, the walls, the carpets, the fine porcelain, I could go on for paragraphs...
DISCLAIMER: I don't see the point in scrambling the address on this one, there is literally nothing to steal or vandalise but there was some paperwork, and no shortage of it.
So here's a free crappy explore for you, if you are a location hunter.
The order from 1993 appears to be for many ‘plots’. Roofing work for new houses perhaps, as the price is the same per…
An older invoice from 1988, printed by a dot-matrix printer (remember them!), states ‘Preston and Wildman' as the owners, and yet subsequent Google checks still details nothing about a 'devastating fire'; very strange.
The office did not escape the burning and parts of what I was reading also did not.
In their time, ‘M&K Wildman Roofing Specialists’ appeared to be a successful company.
If this was the office, it is hardly salubrious. Processing invoices with all this crap spread around you would not be pleasant. Can you imagine how the new female secretary would feel about sitting on the floor, soaked in a deluge rainwater and slimy pigeon shit?
Just a few remaining sachets of 'plasticiser' were dotted around. I don't even know what that is or does.
Some of these builder dudes have more up there than you realise. Did he understand the theory of Pythagoras or is this an exercise in drawing triangles to make him look clever?
The most recent invoices and paperwork dated to 1993, that’s only 30 years ago. If so, the fire could have happened then. Before the advent of the internet, it’s a possible reason I can’t find bugger all about its demise.
A view from the office window. The boss always has the highest up room in terms of elevation, and that rule stood here.
We left the office and entered what could have been the storage areas. As the office overlooked this area I can only presume this to be the case.
No way am I trawling through all that shit to find nothing inside. It was freezing and my hands were unprotected.
Looking at the state these other buildings were in, my conclusion was that all this happened 30 years ago.
‘TO LET’, well OK, good fucking luck with that punt.
A few of the other buildings contained roofs and some bad graffiti, but besides the office, there was little to see.
The reference to ‘Kurt’ was odd. He shot himself in the head in 1994. Was that red paint so old?
We left through the door, no need to open it as you can walk right through. At least the air is nice and clean. I hate working in stuffy environments.
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