Holiday is a time that's loved by almost everyone, a time of liberty where you'll be free to enjoy life the exact way you want it, once there's money and good health. I'm sure we all have things that made our holiday special and so for me, that one thing I did this holiday that made it so special was the fact that I got married, yeah you read it correctly I got married smiles... on the 16th of this beautiful month of December, my marriage is just a week and some days old now. The preparation, stress and enjoyment before, during and after the wedding made me take some break from hive for some weeks now, this is actually my first post after my wedding, I'm yet to make a post about my wedding proper, I think I'll do that very soon.
Before now, I do celebrate festive periods like this in my father's house with my parent and siblings but now things has changed, the boy is now a man lols, it's a different story now as I've start celebrating the festive periods in my house with my new family, my wife and I, man has left the single stage and now turned to a married man, Mr.sholex lols. I'm so happy and grateful for the big privilege by God, because He made everything possible, God over everything.
Getting married is a beautiful thing and a good decision to make, especially for those that understands the essence. Though it's not an easy decision to make but if one is really ready, it's one of the best thing that can happen to mankind. It's a beginning of a new journey, an Everlasting journey till death do you and your partner apart.
I'm that kind of person that use to say I'm not ready for marriage, that I still have some years or months to enjoy as single or bachelor. But then, man has to do what man has to do at the right time, I took the bold step and here I'm as a mister, a husband today.
Just like I said earlier I had to take a break at a time when the wedding was getting close, I had to do some preparations, some runnings here and there, it wasn't an easy one though, I have to make sure that everything is in order, I also had a bad experience with my fashion designer, he couldn't deliver the right thing I was expecting, so I had to spend another money to sow new clothes, that's a story for another day though.
My honeymoon too was one of the best times I've ever had in my entire life, a time of freedom from work, both offline and online, from families and friends just me and my babe, it's really one of the best time of my life, how I wish we can continue lols.
All thanks to God, the wedding was a beautiful one, at first I said I don't want to do an elaborate wedding, but at the end everything turn out to be elaborate, friends and families turn up big time, I was so surprised and till now I'm still begging some people for not informing them about my wedding. I was opportuned to also have some hivians in attendance like @vickoly @moremoney28 @harhess and @mojtee07, thanks guys, I really appreciate your presence, God bless. Lets say my wedding was held in Lagos maybe I would have more hivians in attendance lols especially my people from neoxian city.
In summary, my wedding was the most beautiful thing that happened to me this holiday, it's something I'll always remember for good, one year anniversary this time next year.
Note: All images are mine.