Yep, everything can change in the years to come, but will it and will the change be positive?
We can only hope for it to be positive unless we are able to actually invent something or make a movement that can actually impact the certain change. I'm always down to help the world become better by volunteering and doing what I can and I hope others can contribute as well. If they can't with their time hopefully with their money.
Sometimes just the human nature of greed can take us off course but I believe despite the hiccups we are still moving forward. I'm just happy that I live in a generation where there isn't as much war as before. I don't have to be sent to the army. I would say there's more freedom and choice then the past generations where I've seen parents and grandparents have to sacrafice/suffer a lot but they did great at giving their children a better life. Sadly, there are still come countries that still lack a basic standard of living (no clean water etc). Anyways we need to have faith that people will have an interest to make the world a better place and not just to selfishly live for their own sake.
Yes but that's how most technology start I feel. In the past, the first cars probably weren't the most affordable. Same with desktops and phones were super expensive as well. It will take a few iterations to get it down to where the mass can buy evs. Hopefully by then, the governments in each country will allocate the funds to build the infrastructure. Or who knows there might be a new form of transportation. I'd be down for real life teleportation I know it's still a thing from movies or tv shows but it could happen (maybe not in our life time :( ). I guess something more realistic would be massive improvements in some of the potential alternatives like solar power or hydrogen power cars?
hopefully I made sense haha