Learning to do "NOLLIE HARDFLIP"🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in SkateHive7 months ago

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Hello, friends, how are you?
In the previous video I shared my attempts at learning Switch Hardflip and that same day I managed to land Nollie Hardflip, but I didn't want to share the tricks so I had my material to go up trick by trick.

Hola, amigos como estan?
En el video anterior les comparti mis intentos aprendiendo Switch Hardflip y ese mismo dia logre caer Nollie Hardflip, pero no quise compartir los trucos para tener mi material para ir subiendo truco por truco.

I think it cost me a little more on Switch, as you can see in the video it looks dark, because I kept trying until I managed to get it, to be honest I was very excited to manage to get these two tricks for real and I hope you enjoy it too.

Creo que de Switch me costo un poco mas, como pueden ver en el video se ve oscuro, porque me quede intentandolo hasta lograr caerlo, siendo sincero me emociono mucho lograr caer estos dos trucos de verdad y espero que ustedes lo disfruten tambien.

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Bzzzz, Samuel, você tá pegando duro! Nollie Hardflip é trick demais, eu tô curtindo o vídeo!! 💸🛹 #skatehive