"NEW TRICK" HALF CAB BS 5-0 🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]

in SkateHivelast year

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Hello friends how are you?
While I was uploading this video, I started checking my Blog and I realized that the last 3 videos I have uploaded have been new tricks.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Mientras subia este video, me puse a revisar mi Blog y me di cuenta que los ultimos 3 videos que he subido han sido trucos nuevos.

So that means that we are working well, today I wanted to learn a fakie trick so I chose half cab Bs 5-0, from the beginning I decided to give it a lot of confidence.

Asi que eso quiere decir que estamos trabajando bien, hoy quise aprender un truco de fakie asi que elegi half cab Bs 5-0, desde el inicio decidi darle con mucha confianza.

And I managed to drop that in a few tries, I'm sure that soon I will be able to try half cab bs smith, or half cab bs 5-0 180 out. I hope you enjoy the video.

Y eso me llego a caerlo en pocos intentos, estoy seguro que pronto podre intentar half cab bs smith, o half cab bs 5-0 180 out. Espero disfruten del video.

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Very stylish trick brother!