Beyond every unknown lies dangers, carefulness and staying alert is very important to maintain a good conduct and strong integrity to our God. Shrewdness is very important to everyone to understand the dangers and avoid them. Bible book of Proverbs chapter 22 : 3 highlights the importance of Shrewdness and compare it with inexperience and naive. In that Bible message, Shrewdness is being clever to avoid dangers, not to taste it first but to learn from other's experiences and knowledge, then avoid dangers in order to keep our faith and relationships with God stronger.
Avoiding dangers is never a weakness but strength that's lacking in the lives of many people. No wonder, many people are in serious pains and regret of certain courses and decisions in their lives. Those people are naive and inexperienced at that time and never an excuse to the pains therein. King David of Ancient Israel suffered because of his lust with later - to - be his wife, Beth Sheba. Thinking that nobody knows and wanted a temporary enjoyment, he suffered for the lost of child and having blood guit. Although he repented, in-fighting, betrayal and covetousness never exited in his blood line for his sins. Being wise and avoiding dangerous situations will help us to worship God in more acceptable ways.
Many things abound to deride us from the good path to life, but being alert helps us to be aware of the dangers and avoid them. These tempting situations and articles are common and ready to take us away from God. Take a look at the stories of Potiphar's wife and Joseph. Having the authority over his master's household does not give him, right over his master's wife. Joseph understands that and knows how deceiving the situation will be. His master's wife keeps tempting him repeatedly but Joseph kept his resolution and obedience. Although his good deeds turned sour and prison became his home but he never regret his good decision and actions of fleeing from that dangerous woman, God rewarded him handsomely. No other of his brothers have two mighty tribes in their world and his good name lives forever.
Apostle Paul's admonition to the Ephesus's brothers are very relevant to us to being alert and stand against evil. Bible book of Ephesus Chapter 5:15,16, Paul urge us to watch how we walk, not as an inexperienced ones but wise ones. This sayings is very important on every aspect of our lives. Let's live for God, not for our fleshy desires. Making good decisions about every choice of lifetime will testified our resolve to worship God and becoming his friend.
Keep perceiving the will of God is another wise admonition from apostle Paul to the Ephesus's brothers. To perceive this will of God is by studying God's word and meditating on them regularly and meaningfully. With these significance of our deep Bible studies, we will know what God's decisions and desires on those matters will be and abide with them. Although it might be seem to be restrictive to some people, but it can preserve our lives and happy ending.
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