For this week's #sublimesunday, as inspired by @c0ff33a, I decided to visit an old railroad yard that I used to play around on when I was younger. Yes, in retrospect, likely not the safest decision I've made, but those cabooses were always so much fun to explore! Especially when the operators left flares outside...
I believe there is a chance I may have slightly been trespassing to get these, but I doubt the mighty Canadian Pacific would mind a few photos from afar.
The weather was very raw while I took in the sights today. A northern breeze just about took my fingers off, but it was worth it to take in the colors and artwork on the cars. What a week; a few days ago, there were tornados and funnel clouds in the area. Today, grey and cold.
I must say, I do appreciate the red color of the CP cars on such a grey and overcast day. It almost makes one excited to be stopped by a train at a rail crossing to watch the cars roll by.
Enjoy the color while we can, I say, as time and the elements take a toll.
There is something about trains for me. Perhaps it's because I grew up with them in my life, as the rail yard wasn't more than a few miles away from our home. I used to get bothered when stuck by them at a crossing, but now I enjoy it. It's the new, older, and wiser me, I guess?
That's it for this weekend's adventure. Perhaps not as romantic as frozen ice and snow, but I enjoyed taking in the colors on this lifeless December Sunday. Thanks, as always, for stopping by! Until the next weekend, hoping everyone has a wonderful week this week!