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RE: Quality

in Galenkp's Stuff4 months ago

My mum likes to give my sister a hard time for taking photos of food if they're eating out somewhere completely different to the usual (she doesn't bother with their usuals).

Admittedly I did the same thing when I was about to tuck into something one of the times we went out and she was like WAIT coz she wanted to take a photo my my food as well XD

I will occasionally take a picture of interesting looking food before I eat it and often of any special/gathering meals Mum prepares because she loves cooking and usually makes extravaganzas

My family will usually eat together, though sadly J's side of things won out despite my best efforts while the kids were growing up (his side of the family would gather together for the company, bolt down their food as fast as possible and then leave, the only time this changed was during large family gatherings where talking would inevitably happen, at least J has slowed down and the kids eat at a fairly normal speed and mealtime just passes relatively quickly because there's not always conversation).


I think the idea of taking photos of food has been around for a while and there's no harm in it although I think back in the day it was more about something specially made rather than every day food photographed for people's (usually fabricated) social media representations. I think you know what I mean.

I think it's nice that families eat together especially in this hectic existence most of us lead at the moment. Back when I was a kid it wasn't anything special, it was the norm, and I'm glad to have grown up with that in my life, something I've carried forward.