Oh how lovely it is to see the trees in our yard thriving and giving us more fruits than we could handle. It is a blessings that will never get wasted. Guava is one of my favorite fruit as well as my favorite tree as a kid. I remember climbing up on our Guava Tree in our old house and will always pick it's fruits. I'll eat it directly while still on top without even washing it. It's always fun to eat Guava while on top of the tree.
Just enjoying the peaceful life I have as a kid. Do you also have that kind of fond memories during your childhood? I could do it too with manggo tree, atis tree, aratilis tree if only wr have these on our land. But we only have guava and banana tree. But those Banana tree is all gone now, and now we have this guava tree again. A completely different one of course.

I was on the garage when I noticed Mama is busy on something. At first I thought she's cutting vegetables to make Pinakbet. But when I go down to check, she's actually cutting some guava, haha. I had no idea why she's cutting them into pieces I asked but I didn't hear her answer. And so, as a bida bida, I suggested to make a guava jam. And she was like "that's what I said earlier, didn't you hear it?" Hahaha, I was like "oh..." i can't hear it well that time because I have my earbuds on the right ears and in almost full volume. Lol. I'm vibing with Stray Kids District 9 that's why. Lol

Mama saw that a lot of guava fruits falling from it's tree. And so, for it not to get wasted, she decided to make a guava jam out of it. She picked some from the tree and she also picked some on the ground, those just newly one though.

We have two guava tree actually, the other one is still a baby compare to the old one which is like 7 or 8 years now. While the other one is like 2 to 3 years I think. But both are giving us fruits already. They are the smaller kind by the way. I know guava fruit can grow into much bigger but this one is the smallest I think. Look how small it is in my hand, and it is already ripe when I check it.

And here's the fruit on the younger guava tree. I actually haven't tried the fruit of this one. I love guava before but now I don't feel like eating it. I don't know, I just don't crave for it anymore. Lol.

And as for the JAM, there it is, done and perfectly cooked. I didn't take photos for all the process because I think making it is just the same in how others makes their jam. And we didn't put anything on it aside from sugar and water to soften the guavas. Easy peasy no? Just this afternoon we eat it and put it in a bun and it's delicious. It's perfect to have for breakfast or ad a snacks (ノ゚0゚)ノ→.
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