One Lovely Evening at The Park with Mama: We Enjoy Watching the Kids Perform in the Carols Choir Competition 

in Feel Good3 months ago


I'm contemplating the other day whether to go visit the park at night or not, and my decision is well... I pushed through it, and I'm so glad I did. I tried to be brave and forget about my fears. It's just a baby step to heal from my trauma. And you know, I can't believe how many people attended just to witness the "Pailaw" in Plaza de Bansud. I guess Bansud is really well known now in our province. They light up the Christmas lights and the big parols, and oh, how noisy the people are when the lights finally turn on. With the cheers and the clapping from the people, excitement is all visible, everyone is all smiling. Of course, even me and Mama.

We started walking at 5 p.m., the sun is still out, but we can already see a lot of people and vehicles passing by. And their destination, at Plaza de Bansud, of course. I wore my cap and hoody because I thought it would be too cold in there. But gosh, with hundreds of people in there, the heat became more intense, which made me regret that I wore a jacket, aigooo.

And so, after 10 minutes of walking, we finally arrive at the park, and my, it is already filled with a lot of people. I'm glad we got here much earlier. There's also an ongoing competition at the stage near the man-made lagoon in Plaza de Bansud, a Carols Choir Competition. It is already starting though, when we arrive at the park.

Look how lively the place is, you can see food stalls line up in one place, very organized. And there's more benches in here too, thanks to these people, they can have their moments while sitting. But it's still not enough during these events because there's really just a lot of people. Even we stayed standing for the duration of our visit here, lol.

We watched the Carols Choir Competition too bad though, we didn't see 1 to 6 groups performing, we arrived very late, that is why. But as we watch the remaining group, they are all amazing, we can see how well they prepared. From the costumes to the choice of music and even some choreography. They all did a good job with their outstanding performances. And these are the people who watched the competition. Some may be classmates, friends, and family supporting each group.

I couldn't get decent photos, sorry about that, lol. I am really far from the stage, the benches in front are all filled with people, so I can't just really go in there. But look at these kids, performing. They are enjoying it for sure. I think the schools that were in this competition are from elementary and high school. And I heard the prize is big.

Anyways, the grand winner in the competition is from RS, that's for high school level. While the winner in elementary level is Bansud Central School, that's my former school, hehe. Clap clap to these kids. Everyone had fun watching the competition, I think that's also a great reward for those who perform. The choir competition ended successfully but it is just the start a fun night filled with joy and excitement. ┏(^0^)┛


Lead Image Edited in Canva.


looks like a fun event to attend, its always hard to know what to wear when going out

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Haha, that's true. As for me I chose to wear my everyday outfit hehe.

the event looked very lively, of course being there was very exciting.

Yep, it's really fun to be in there. Glad I attended hehe