We've been eating chicken more these past few months and rarely eat fish and not even pork. Fish in our town is kinda expensive now, so we'd just rather buy a chicken with a price of 230-240 pesos than buy a fish with a price of 260-360 pesos per kilo. Mommy D visited the market yesterday, and when she checked, Lagidlid was currently at 340 pesos per kilo. Like, whoa, last week they were just ranging from 240-260 pesos, and that's why we're able to buy some. It's sad how everything is so high in price now. That's also why some prefer to just buy a cooked meal in an eatery or restaurant.

So, yesterday, Mommy F asked me to go visit the Bansud Bridge to check the fish available in there. She's asking for a particular fish, so that's what we're going to buy. Mama accompanied me yesterday in the afternoon, and that served as a quick walk outside. Tulay ng Bansud is a little from home, it took us 10 minutes to reach the place, but that because we took our time walking, and I wanted to take photos on the way, lol. And look who decides to come with us, it's handsome Creamy White!

It is one peaceful walk for me, and going there at 5 pm is the best decision ever because it's not that hot anymore. So walking slowly is just okay.

Another thing is, I also enjoy all the good things I saw on our way there. The trees, different kinds of plants, and the beautiful flowers in every house.

We saw a Camias tree in the way that is full of fruits, so Mama picked some. Without even washing it, Mama just started eating one. Seeing her made me drool because I can imagine how sour it is without salt. Lol.

So we continue our walk, and I thought Creamy White would stop halfway, just like he always did whenever we went to the market, but no, he stick to us and reached the Bansud Bridge with us. Lol. What a cutie, lol. But anyways, did you notice how peaceful it is in here? There's a lot of road that lead to places here, but we never really explored what's beyond those roads. We're not that adventurous like some people, but how I wish I were. And we don't know people too that live in there, so I think exploring those places will be a little scary.

Here's another road that leads somewhere, not sure where. Mama doesn't know either. I've been living here since birth, but there are still a lot of things that I don't know in our town. Aigoooo. How about you? Have you already explored your hometown?

Anyways, we finally arrive at our destination, everyone's so busy, and people really prefer buying here even though it's kind of far. The fish here is not that expensive, they are all their own caught fish, I think, and that's why it's cheap compared to the ones you can buy in the main wet market.

So here's the fish available in here. The fish we bought was that one in the first photo. We bought 1 kilo, which is 180 pesos only. It's really affordable and cheap. I think it is still fresh, because look at all the blood and its color ┏(^0^)┛.

And tadaaaan, it's time to go home. Here's the fish we got, Mama also bought a fish for her beloved pets ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. It's called Tamban, and it's 120 per kilo. It's still expensive, but of course it's for her pet, so no more thinking she gets just half. (ノ゚0゚)ノ→

There it is, I cleaned it thoroughly and cooked it for 25 minutes. I just made it into a "Sinaing sa Asin," and today I fried it. It's the best when you cook it first in water, salt, vinegar, and pepper, then fry it after.
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