Genus Litostrophus

in Nature Observer6 months ago

Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Litostrophus24.08.2024 I Pante Jaloh, District. Sawang, North Aceh Regency, Aceh, Indonesia

Litostrophus or millipedes, better known as millipedes, are one of the many types of insects that can be found in various places. This insect has a long body and consists of many parts called segments. These segments allow them to weave easily through their surroundings. Millipedes are generally found in bushes, piles of leaves, or in other dark places where they can hide. They eat various types of organic material such as dry leaves, wood and litter. Apart from that, millipedes can also be food for birds, lizards and other animals that prey on insects.

Litostrophus has the characteristic form of many legs which makes it look unique and attractive. Although they look scary to some people, millipedes are actually harmless and do not bother humans. They prefer to avoid contact with humans and prefer to hide in safe places.

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Camera usedSmartphone
LensCell phone camera
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographGenus Litostrophus
LocationAceh Indonesia

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