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RE: Mackinac Island: Jewel of Michigan

in Worldmappin6 months ago

What a lovely insightful post about Mackinac Island. You may not personally like it there but I can see the pull factor, I think to visit for a day would be an awesome experience. It looks lovely actually.

Now what's all this about the British being lazy? Pfffft! I am British and I would like to beg to differ if you don't mind. Lol! Back in those times the last thing we were was lazy. While it still isn't explained in the post what the 'w' and the 'c' refers to when speaking about Mackinac Island I would imagine if it was to do with anything French the Brits would have gone out of their way to avoid the French aspect of it all given the wars we had with France.

Just one further thing, it's interesting to note that the place you visited in Michigan is called Mackinac Island as 'Mack' is very much a Scottish name, so I would imagine there is a strong Scottish link to this place.


If you ever get the chance to go here I would give yourself two or three days to see everything. That way you don't have to come back if you don't want to. I've never spent the night on the island, but I know a lot of people do and love it. I think the spelling goes back to the French using the "C" but pronouncing it with the "aw" sounds, so the Brits just changed the spelling to AW. It's actually further from the Scots than you would think, but I will get into that more on Monday!

Ah right, well this gets more interesting. Looking forward to learning more.