Salvando las distancias, en la ciudad de Goya Corrientes, existe una catedral, que en su reconstrucción mi hermano fue parte. Él tenía la habilidad de ser muy bueno con las manos y no temer a las alturas y es por eso, que estaba a cargo de los detalles en lugares peligrosos. Reflexione, cuando dices que muchas veces pensamos que fueron hechas por alienígenas. Aunque esta pareciera que sí 😀.
Disfrute tu post de punta a punta y me anima a conocer estos lugares. Aunque como dice la canción, en algún momento fui en busca de dios y no estaba en ese momento.
Saving distances, in the city of Goya Corrientes, there is a cathedral, which my brother was part of its reconstruction. He had the ability to be very good with his hands and not afraid of heights and that is why he was in charge of the details in dangerous places. Reflect, when you say that many times we think they were made by aliens. Although this one looked like they were 😀.
I enjoyed your post from end to end and it encourages me to get to know these places. Although as the song says, at some point I went in search of god and he wasn't around at the time.