Procrastination | The ultimate thief of time

in SciFi Multiverse11 days ago (edited)

The habit of saying " lemme wait first I'd do it later", that habit is also known as procrastination. Procrastination is a bad habit most of us don't realise, it has caused so many damage in our lives and one crazy thing is, almost everyone has this character.

I procrastinate a lot, and honestly I've regretted it so many times. Sometimes I'd have something important to do, but the habit of procrastinating won't let me attend to it immediately. Social media is another source of distraction, most times i work from home, whenever I'm on break instead of going to have my lunch, I'd sneak into my phone to watch tiktok.

"lemme just watch 2 videos after that I'd go and have lunch"
I'd always say these words to myself.

Most times after saying these words to myself, I'd end up using all my break time to watch Tiktok. Somedays i don't realise i've scrolled past more than 20 videos, this bad habit is just so crazy, sometimes it feels like something i can't control.

Personally i consider procrastination as an intentional delay, of tasks and decision making. Here's a thing about procrastination, when you've succeeded in procrastinating and end up not doing what you wanted to do, there's this feeling of guilt that comes with it, often times I've felt this guilt and I'd always promise myself not to repeat it next time, at the end of the day, I'd still procrastinate.

Procrastination has made people lose so many life time opportunities, which would've been avoided if they didn't push it further.

Tips to stop procrastinating

  1. Work bit by bit: Divide your work load or task into smaller tasks and attend to them bit by bit, divide them in a way that's gonna be convenient for you.

  2. Set goals: Always endeavour to create a schedule at the beginning of each day, set goals work towards achieving those goals, stay determined and stick to those goals.

  3. Avoid distractions: Whenever you have a task, endeavour to remove any source of distractions like phones, turn off your notifications, social media and whatever you know that's gonna distracts you.

  4. Ask for help: Talk to a matured minded person or a friend about your procrastinating habits, share your goals with them and see ways they would help you positively.

screenshot from twitter

consequences of procrastination

Come to think of it, there's a whole lot of consequences that comes with procrastinating frequently, I'd mention a few below 👇

  • procrastination can lead to poor mental health. chronic procrastination often leads to depression , low self esteem and other emotional damages.

  • frequent procrastination can lead to stress. Sometimes people often do things at the dial minute, because of procrastinating for too long and when there's too much pressure, a person tends to be stressed emotionally and physically. This could be avoided if it was done at the appropriate time.

  • Procrastination can make a person lose a special relationship. I lost the precious relationship i had with my grandmother, i grew up with my grandma. When i grew up i went back to my parents, my grandma would always call my mum so that she could speak to me. She'd always complain to me, saying I've forgotten her and i no longer call her. The problem i had was remembering to call her, and when i remember, I'd always procastinate. I kept on procrastinating to call her even when she was sick.

When i finally decided to call her, she couldn't speak to me because she was on her dying bed, i was filled with guilt, the guilt of not calling her when she could actually speak me. My grandmother didn't make it out of the sickness, she passed on without me having a proper conversation with her. This guilt of procrastinating to call my grandmum tormentes me every single time i remember this.

Nothing good comes out in procrastinating all the time. Often times people procrastinate for some weird reasons such as watching interesting movies, chatting, laziness, fear, scrolling through the internet , time management and perfectionism.


Procrastination is a common habit that can affect anyone, but one thing is for sure, it's very much possible to overcome , one important thing is to understand our reasons behind our procrastination habits and restrategize, set goals , work towards it and stick to it. At the end, you'd realise you've made positive changes and gotten rid of your procrastination habit. One thing is certain, you can get rid of procrastination.

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I like this piece because it affects a lot of us. We keep pushing things to later and run out of time we would have used to accomplish a lot. Thanks for the nice tips👍

You're welcome.
Thanks for your meaningful comment ❤️

The picture that accompanies this post is so relatable. I do that alot. From top to bottom I enjoyed every line of this writing.

You better change o, procrastination is bad.
I'm glad you learnt something 🌻

I think that being disciplined is one of the ways to fight this bad habit. We have to stick to what we want to do, and do them at the scheduled time. I use to be a procrastinator, but am so happy to have won the fight

Wow, you've conquered the spirit of procrastination, i hoping to join you soon.

I think we all battle with procrastination, thanks for the tips to help us overcome them

You're welcome, thanks for your meaningful comment 🌻

You are welcome ❤

I procrastinate a lot too.😂

Stop it o
It's a bad habit we need to get rid of.


Thanks for sharing... very enlightening. The cartoon frog on the bed is hilarious. Amazing write up. well done