Let's Talk about Health: Bitter Truth about Sugar

in Hive Learners7 months ago

Hello Everyone in this awesome community

I hope we are doing fine?


Every one love sweet things, starting from when I was a baby I love sweet things, and am pretty sure this is also the same with every other people out there, I have never seen any one that won't love sweet things except maybe perhaps you are on some type of Sugarless Diet.

Ever one love sweet thing, Sugar is Sweet, so literally every one love sugar lol,this is my opinion though.
There possibility of sugar being in 50% of all the soft drinks in the world, It is contained in almost all beverages, bread, biscuits, and many other food items.

Sugar also known as (table sugar) is the common name given to the organic compound.
The sugar we use is chemically known as sucrose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose.Sugar is gotten from two plants, The Sugar Cane and the sugar beet, Sugar beets were not commonly used until the middle of the 19th century, when it became popular, but the sugar cane has been used for sugar for thousands of years.


I know most of us must be surprised at how long the usage of sugar have been in existence, it has been so widely use all around the world, and is being consumed, I am one of the consumer of Sugar, my parents have always restricted our consumption of sugar, warning us of the dangers of taking sugar in large quantities, I didn't pay much attention to this warning until I learnt the hard ward by experience,
First off Adulthood will make you more aware of many things, and experience will make you wiser.


My Intake of Sugar was much when I was younger, whenever I want to drink tea, take Garri, sometimes whenever I cook bean I add sugar, it so worst to that extent, just like an addiction I add sugar to everything in excess amount.
The effect of this is got Diabetes and dysentery often, it got so worst
It was a very painful experience that happened to me almost 3 times in different occasions.
The third experience was so worst that I couldn't go to toilet for Up to one and Half weeks.

Here are some of the measures I took:
First off I started reducing the intake of anything with sugar in it.
I begin to watch my self, I restricted my consumption of tea, soft drinks, biscuits, bread ,
I started opting in for drinks with Zero sugar.
I begin to take bitter cola, some herbs also helps to cleanse my body systems away from excess sugar. So far I have since I reduced my sugar intake, I have not been falling sick like I usually do when I was still taking everything sugar.


Although sugar make things sweet, taking a little sugar is not bad but excessive consumption is very chaotic to the Body.

These are some of The Harmful Effects of Sugar That You Should Know:

  1. Weight Gain: Sugar consumption usually leads to increased weight, I noticed most people that get usually obese take much Sugar or anything having sugar in it.
  1. Too much consumption of Sugar Causes Depression: whenever you Eat sugary snacks, you are liable to a release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the body when excessively consumed

  2. Heart Disease: You can easily get heart disease if you consume too much sugar.

  3. Bad Skin: Most people gets skin disease due to too much consumption of Sugar.

  4. There is High Risk of Diabetes.

  5. You can have Cancer

The list goes on and on.

What I took to replace sugar?
I started taking drinks with zero sugar, and also I use Honey too as a natural sweetener.
I also each more bitter things like bitter Cola and other bitter cleanser once in a while.

In conclusion
It's best to go on a well defined diet, if perhaps you are addicted to taking sugar, although taking sugar is not bad, but at least keep it very minimal.

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