I Trust too much

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)

Hello everyone in this awesome community,

I hope this post met you all well.


Life is an amazing Journey, we ought to enjoy each and every seconds that pass by, because this Journey called Life can be short, and there is this saying that : The more you live, the more you learn.
I learnt a lot about life, with every experiences, bitter, sweet and bitter sweet, they all shaped my growth and progress In this Journey.

Todays discussion is a very unique one In the hive learners community, I saw a lot of individuals say or talking about what they felt was their weak point, someone even said food was his weakness lol, I can't stop laughing, I was really in deep thoughts about it, food can actually be a weakness for everyone because we can't do without it literally.
If you stop eating food, you die of hunger, that is just the plain truth lol.


What exactly is my weakness?
My weak point is Trust, I so much cherish relationship, Respect, Family, and God. It's such a thing for me, once I get close to you and we became friends, I will want to by all means Trust and respect our friendship,or partnership or any type of relationship whatsoever.

I don't know whether to Blame it on my family strict training or Religious beliefs or Both. I can't really tell which one got me so immersed into having respect, loyalty and trust with people.
This level of trust I always have on people have many times bought me some level of pain.

Take for example in my business, due to trust and loyalty to some customers, I have incurred a lot of losses, some hundreds of thousands of naira are in the Hands of people that borrowed money from me to repay later, some are not even willing to return back my money,.

The other time I employed a staff that use up to a hundred thousand naira from my business capital to play bet,another staff which I employed due to trust that the person was attending same church with me, the end of that experience was so bad that the worker ends up stealing money worth Hundreds of thousands that till now I wasn't even able to recover 10% back from it.

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The list is so endless, but thank God for experiences, I mean those painful experiences,they shaped me to be wiser and stronger.

How did I cope with the Trusting people too Much syndrome that plagued me?

Well I can say now that I kept everything in control now, for my business I no more borrow people money, no matter how close we are or how long we have know eachother,or from where we are worshipping from or Whether you are a family member.
This No Loan or Borrowing money policy have really saved me from a lot of unnecessary losses.


Also I put up a strict measure on employing new staffs for my business, I do require Two guarantors and a well established and respectful family.
I don't condone any unusual or wayward behaviours from the staffs now, anyone that misbehave now, I sack, and I made all the terms very clear.
Ever since I did that and put those measures in place I have been having a smooth business operations.

Thanks so much for your Time❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading and Have a Great day👍
