Review of Story of My Faith by sister Jucara

in MCGI Cares Hive6 months ago (edited)

When you read and listen to the stories of other people's faith, your own faith gets stregthen and you tend to have a stronger belief and faith.

After watching the story of a Jucara, who was a heavy smoker, i got wuite na insight.
She was innitially a Catholic, but one day, while reading the bible, she got to know that; it is not good to pray to statues. Many things happened in her life, even when the doctor asked her not to attend the thanksgiving because she was heavily pregnant and almost due for birth. But she went anyways.

Her story is quite an interesting one, as it depicts how people can change and be better. Thankfully, she got baptized and now, she is fully in Gods work.

This story also shows how important and powerful covenants can be.

She noticed that her son was doing drugs, and she tried to stop him. She, being once a heavy smoker, prayed to God and asked God, to help her son stop doing drugs, and she in turn, will stop smoking. She actually did. She stopped smoking and got baptized. You see? God can work in different ways.

Even when she worked as a nanny, she was saved from the hands of burglers, when they attacked the house where she worked. Not only that, when she was pregnant, she was also saved from hot water when she was pregnant. According to her, the hot water that touched her stomach did not feel hot, but it felt cold.

This is to show that God works in mant ways that can never be undestood by men.

thank you for reading. if you are interested to watch, heres a link