Top 10 crypto currency Day 1

in LeoFinancelast year

For this week I thought of sharing my top 10 crypto currency in March 2024,which I'll start from today that happen to be DAY 1


First let's talk about what crypto currency is all about?. Crypto currency is a digital currency which people use inform of payment through encryption algorithm. We can also say crypto currency is a digital money that doesn't require any bank or financial institution to verify any transactions, and can be use to purchase things or an investment. Crypto currency transactions are verified and recorded in the blockchain which there no hacker that can change or tract the records of any assets

Crypto currency is categories into (4) four: (1)We have Payment crypto currencies (2)Tokens (3)stablecoins(4) central bank digital currency


*People make money with crypto currency by mining different kinds of coins, tokens, which the mining varies transactions on the blockchain and add new block of data to the chain and people get rich with cryptocurrencies by investing in the top and most valuable crypto. This is the most effective way to generate sizeable returns in other to build a diversified portfolio of crypto assets, which is why I'll be revealing the top 10 cryptos you can possibly invest in and make alots of profits


The First and the most valuable crypto I'll be revealing now is BITCOIN!!!. Let's talk little about bitcoin....Bitcoin is the first decentralize crypto currency that was created in the year January 3 2009, and the price of 1btc when bitcoin was created was $0.0009 and later the price jump from $0.1 to $0.2 in October 26 2010. From 2010, bitcoin declining and close 2014 at $318. 2015, bitcoin started with year declining but later went uptrend and end the year at about $430. From the year of 2016, the uptrend of Bitcoin was moving tremendously uptill now.


Today bitcoin has a current supply of 19,644,550, the last known price of Bitcoin is $66,908,80768489 and is up 6.75 over the last 24hours. it is currently trading on 10846 active market(s) with $57,500,183,440.30 traded over the last 24hours and the market cap of Bitcoin is $1, 306,28B. According to the predictors and expertise, some predicted that for this year bull run, bitcoin is going to reach $100,000, while someone predicted that it will reach $200k by the end of the year. The year is still fresh and bitcoin is already @ $67k, so if someone predicted that it's going to reach $200k...then I can say the person really know what he or she is saying because this is very much possible

To my own point of view and prediction with the way things is going now, even if bitcoin did not reach $200k, I can tell you that it will surely pass $100k before the end of the year. This is why bitcoin is the best crypto so far. As a trader or investors, the time we are now is the time to make lots of profits, buy car and build house.

Thanks for reading through