Nevigating loss without loosen your yourself

in HiveGhanalast month

Loss and Change are two of life's most contain. Yet most difficult experiences to nevigate. For me dealing with loss starts with acknowledging it. It's tempting to distract yourself or act like everything still fine, but I've learned that siting with the discomfort, letting yourself feel the grief, confusion, or fear. Can only be in incrediblyhealing. It's messy, but it's also human


I've come to see change as a type of transformation rather than an end. It doesn't mean I don't mourn what I've lost, I try to look back for the leasson in the experience. Sometimes loss strips you down to the barest version of yourself , and while that scary. It can also remind you of who you really are, without the noise or roles you play for others

To avoid loosing myself in the process, I learn heavenly on what grounds, writing, connecting with love one's and quiet moment of reflection. Journaling help me untangle my thoughts., while talking to people. Who truly see me reminds me, I'm not alone here. And when I feel like I'm spiraling. I hold onto small, consistent rituals, like making tea in the morning or taking a walk on sunset / to create a sense of normalcy

Loss carves through life in ways we can't always predict. It shake the ground beneath us and forces us to look at pieces of ourselves we didn't even know existed. Whether it's the loss of loved one, relationship, a dream or even a version of yourself you thought would always be there, the journey through grief is profoundly personal yet universally human

In the chaos of grief, it's so easy to feel like you're slipping away from who you are. The weight of loss can make you question everything, your purpose, your worth, and even your ability to keep moving forward. Some days, it feels like all you can do is survive, and that's okay. Some days, survive is enough in the fog of pain, there's a way to hold onto yourself. Don't rush healing. There's no time line for grief, no "right" way to process loss. Feel it. Cry when you need to. Scream if you have to. And when the time is right, let yourself laugh again without guilt. Healing doesn't mean forgetting or pretending it didn't happen. It means carrying the memory of what was while still making for what could be

Letting go is never easy, but I've realized it's not about erasing the past, it's about learning to carry it with grace. But in the process of learning how to carry it differently, it' won't be that easy, you just have to make up your mind and tell yourself you really can do this and let go of your past