
in Proof of Brainlast year


Leadership above all is the heart beat of every successful organization, also leaders are like candle, they consume themselves for other people to follow. To be a leader, is not just by mouth. Now let's look at who a true leader is....?

A leader is a person who knows the way, show's the way and goes the way for other people to follow, A leader is not a commander, you don't command people to respect you, what you do and how you behave in a miss of people makes people to respect you and follow you

Let's look at the characteristic of a true leader & I'll be using the word LEADERSHIP for my characteristics:

The L stand for a true leader LEAD by examples, I.e, you do exactly what you are asking people to do, you don't be a leader of do as I say, you should rather be a leader of do as I do, you will loose your leadership spirit when people see that you a leader with mouth alone, you don't do exactly what you ask people to do, take note of this

>The E stand for a true leader to always be EXCITED, you don't be a good leader when you are alway sad or moody,because by doing this people will be easily to read you and know what is going on in your life, but a true leader is always excited no matter the circumstances

The A stand for a true leader to have a good ATTITUDE, a leader with a bad attitude won't go far in life,because attitude is like a flat Tyre, if you don't remove it, you can't move your vehicle. One of the thing that will make people to respect you and make people to follow is good attitude

The D stand for a true leader to be DETERMINE, one of the thing that make us know a good and true leader is how determine you're in achieving goals or plans in life, as a leader you need to have a last minute stamina, when people see you stubbornness in archiving goals, people will want to move close to you for you to carry them along.

The E stand for a true leader to be ENTHUSIASTIC, which I can call internal motivation, when a leader have internal motivation, she will always be in a good mood no matter what because, his belief is that anything he is passing through is just temporary

>The R stand for a true leader to always take RESPONSIBILITY, A good leader don't run for responsibility, what you know it's your right to do, you don't leave it for someone else to do it for you, you need to learn how to take full responsibility of people you're leading

The S stand for a true leader to have SELF DISCIPLINE, having discipline has a leader is very important in all ramifications, in terms of talking, the way you relate with people, in terms of eating, as a leader you don't eat anyhow, and if you want to maintain your dignity and value, you don't eat infront of people you're leading and many more

>The H stand for a true leader to be HUMBLE, humble beginning global success, there is nothing like being humble to everybody around you, when you're humble, you add value to yourself and people will always be at your back and want you to lead them, another thing about humbleness is they always listen to anything you tell them or ask them to do without stress

The I stand for a true leader to BE INTEGRITY, people will have trust in you when you have integrity and being plain and sincere with them, like keeping money in your hand and they meet it the way you gave them, even when something happen between you and them, they always belief in you because they know that you can't deceive them and that's because the trust is there already

The P stand for a true leader to be PERSONALLY DEVELOP, this is the best among all, when you are personally develop, you lead people with ease, I do tell people, woman being re the most easiest thing to lead, at the same time the hardest thing to lead, it depends on your development, when a leader is personally develop, you won't have problem with the team you leading

I hope this my topic change your mindset and makes you see yourself as a leader from now on, because I always tell me people that everybody is a leader, the way you're looking upto someone, somebody else is also looking upto you, that's to tell you that you're a silent mentor to some people, which is why you need to always see yourself as a leader and always act as such!!!

Thank you for reading through


I wish our politicians had just 5%of these things in them.

In a country like Nigeria, it would be hard to see a leader that will have 5% of this qualities.