Detoxifying my mind

in The MINIMALIST2 months ago

Hello dear friends of this beautiful community, this time I want to talk about how I plan to prioritize the detox for this coming year. To begin I want to mention that I am going to talk about a very sensitive topic not only for me but for many other girls who have surely felt like me. I have always been characterized for being chubby, in fact despite doing many diets I have not managed to achieve what many people out there are looking for, to reach my ideal weight. The truth is that I don't always feel happy with this, especially there are some specific days in the month that affect me more. This of course, causes me to have negative thoughts, feel ugly and get very sad.


My goal is to leave that behind, not to let those thoughts steal my joy, I have to accept myself as I am, of course without forgetting at any time that my health has to be well and take good care of my diet. The truth is that the difficulty to lose weight is due to hormonal problems in my body and it is something I can't fight with.

Many people among acquaintances and friends have told me to detox my body, that this is what I need to lose weight, but the truth is that I have done it many times and I have not achieved anything, only lost days and broken illusions that make me feel worse. Although I have felt bad many times I want to leave all that behind and work next year on detoxifying my soul, throwing aside those negative thoughts that limit me and prevent me from being happy.


When someone looks at me on the street they see me so confident, in their eyes I feel very pretty and I am very proud of how I look, but before leaving home I change my clothes many times because I do not like how I look, until after fighting so much with my thoughts, I choose an outfit and decide not to look at myself in the mirror because I know I will not be happy with anything, I focus only on my face I leave my insecurities hidden at home.

This year I want to learn to love myself as I am, detoxify my mind of the prejudices against my body and accept that there are things I can not change, that if I stay healthy doing physical exercise but without letting them affect me that the results are not visible to my eyes. People often have a lot to do with how we feel when they make comments about our appearance if we are fatter, older or how our clothes fit. The truth is that purging my circle of friends can also be beneficial to detox the mind, people who add nothing good to our lives should not be in our lives.


Last year I struggled with insecurities, self-esteem problems and the fear of what people will say about me, this year I will not allow my body shape, the extra kilos or the wrinkles that started to appear, to affect my way of living, I need my mind healthy, my mind calm to be happy. This year I am going to make an effort to be that way.

Thank you for reading this and I look forward to hearing your comments.

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All photographs are my own, taken with Samsung A22 phone.
Publication originally written in Spanish and translated in Deepl translator.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I change my clothes many times because I do not like how I look.

I did this a lot when I was younger, Now I'm more confident and self-assured, and get dressed in 5 minutes and head out the door.

People often have a lot to do with how we feel when they comment about our appearance whether we are fatter, older or how our clothes fit.

I have experienced this, unfortunately, but now I know how to put the opinions of others into perspective, and nothing anyone says matters.

I will not allow my body shape, the extra kilos or the wrinkles that started to appear, to affect my way of living, I need my mind healthy, my mind calm to be happy.

It seems you figured out exactly what is needed for self improvement. I wish you all the best in taking it a step at a time until you are comfortable with your self-growth.

Thanks for participating in this week's challenge:)
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How nice, thank you!

Thank you!

Extremely grateful for your comments, you remind me that I am not the only one who goes through this, it is not easy to externalize emotions or feelings that are rooted due to situations along the journey through life, and knowing that you understand me helps me enormously, and definitely feeling safe is more valuable than a makeup, a dress or the opinion of others. Regards

One of the ways to detoxify our minds is taking out those negative people in our circles; those who only body shame us and never accept us for who we are. When we are surrounded by positive people, those who love us regardless of how we look, we would feel okay. Besides, we shouldn't let their judgement about us get into our heads but to appreciate who we are.

Unfortunately the society we live in has defined standards that shape what we think or what others think, hence the importance of freeing yourself, there will always be someone who will find you a stereotype to fit, that is where you must define if that will affect you and if you will allow that person to enter your circle of friends. Thank you for your sincere comment. Regards.

Last year I struggled with insecurities, self-esteem problems and the fear of what people will say about me, this year I will not allow my body shape, the extra kilos or the wrinkles that started to appear, to affect my way of living, I need my mind healthy, my mind calm to be happy. This year I am going to make an effort to be that way.

That's the way to go! Don't let anybody tell you that you aren't pretty. Have that extra confidence because that is life changing.

 2 months ago Reveal Comment