Lentinus concavus

in Nature Observer3 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Lentinus concavus23 Febuary 2025Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

hello friends of the nest that I respect. How are you all healthy. Tonight I am very happy. Because I was given health by the Almighty.

Tonight I want to entertain you and show you the mushrooms that I found a few days ago.
This mushroom is very beautiful I am very amazed by this mushroom.
The beauty of this mushroom makes me feel comfortable with the appearance of this mushroom which is truly extraordinary.
As usual, every day I definitely do that is exploring the forest to find anything that I can show off to all of you who are always loyal with me in our proud community.
When I saw this mushroom I immediately took my cellphone then I immediately took and devoted some pictures for me to show and show off the beauty of this mushroom to all of you here.

Well, friends, thank you very much for visiting here with me. I hope you enjoy it carefully. I hope you like and are entertained by some of the mushroom pictures that I show above. See you in the next post.

Camera usedponsel redmi 9C
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyLentinus concavus

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