Genus Solanum

in Nature Observer28 days ago
Latin NameObservation dateLocation
Genus Solanum28 Febuary 2025Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia

Hi friends wherever you are today I will be back again Want to show you some pictures of very beautiful wildflowers.

I found this wildflower next to my cousin's house. When I was building my cousin's brother.

then I immediately saw this wildflower growing next to his house. I immediately took some pictures to show the beauty to all of you who are always loyal and active with me in this beloved communication.

this wildflower is very beautiful friends with such beautiful colors, it's really extraordinary.

I really like the appearance of this wildflower. so I decided to take a picture so I could show it to all my friends that I love in this community.

well friends, those are some pictures of very beautiful wild flowers. I hope you like and are entertained by witnessing the beauty of these flowers. see you in the next post.

thank you.

Camera usedponsel redmi 9C
Iso speedISO
Focal lengthMM
PhotographyGenus Solanum

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