Right from day one that i started following and reading your articles, it has always been of quality. Another one also have you put forth.
When it comes to the trades, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians are protected for a while. They are going to be the ones making the money over the next 15 years. At some point they might be targeted also but it is going to take a while.
Suddenly, we could see a massive shift in society. If you will recall, these were often good positions from a societal standpoint. This might return especially as we see the economic fallout penetrate many areas.
I solely believe this. Inasmuch as AI is affected many jobs already, it still haven't affected all and ofcourse it has helped in doing many jobs and works too. The above mentioned works won't be affected by AI negatively but rather positively and one can even modify his or her if doing any of the mentioned above to be a more promising one.
Please what i have a question more, What is the future of AI on jobs and innovative productions?