in HiveGhanalast year

Too many of our young people today go down the wrong path. The quick and easy money of crime tempt them. They think robberies, scams and selling drugs put them on the fast track to success. But it only lead to bigger trouble. I beg the youth - stay focused on positive goals. Don't give in to criminal acts out of greed or anger. You can achieve success the honest way, through education and hard work.

First, know your talent and what you enjoy. Find career that allows use your natural skills. Maybe you gifted at math, science or writing. Perhaps you skilled with hands and building things. Everyone talented at something. Take that talent make good living and contribute to community. Earn money in way that enrich lives, not hurt them.

Next, get knowledge and skills for career through schooling. Stay discipline and complete secondary school at least. Avoid bad company who say school waste of time. Education open door for better jobs. After secondary school, consider trade school or university to specialize in your field. Never stop learning! Knowledge is path to do meaningful work.

Now, use that knowledge to find good job or start your own business. Work hard everyday to build stable career. Have patience - success takes time. Avoid "get rich quick" scams that often lead to jail. Take that passion and talent, add hard work ethic, serve people well - now you create thriving business the honest way.

Uphold strong values also. Respect law and human lives. Contribute positive things to community every day through work. Help others when you able. Be role model for what ethical living look like. Too many youths today care only for self. But when we work together, all society benefits.

Yes, the way may be hard at times. Poverty and injustice still exist. You may struggle, feel angry at world or government failings. But lashing out through violence, stealing, scamming only make wounds deeper. It breed more bitterness. Instead take that frustration, channel it into working for positive change

So I advise youth strongly - do not turn to crime and lose your way. Avoid friends who try pull you that direction; they not truly friends. Stay on journey towards your goals through legal means. Patience and dedication will pay off. And if you stumble, get back up and try again. Have courage, wisdom and hope for better future.

I know good life seem out of reach for many youths today. But it is possible if you stay focused, get knowledge and ethically apply your talents. Avoid criminal temptations reject dirty money. You deserve to achieve your dreams the right way. And by doing so, you set example for your kids one day. You honor your family name through ethical living.

The path is there but you must walk it. And I have hope because I see the potential in our young people everyday. Stay focused on good goals and avoid criminal acts for quick cash. With the right mindset and determination, the youth hold power to transform this nation for good. You are future doctors, leaders, builders. Remain anchored in faith and values. Together we move our nation forward through positive means.


My entry to the hive ghana prompt

Thanks for reading here❤️❤️


Yeah you are right ! Thank you for sharing such a informative post for the young people.

Thanks for reading too. 🙏

This is really a good advice to everyone not only the young ones of nowadays ,the old ones too needs to know the right things because not all of them are following the right path

It is always good to follow the right path to succeed in life ,thank you for sharing .

It’s not always by education!!
I’ve seen people learn acquire skills online and today are very successful. It’s all down to what you believe in and the work you put in.

Finding what you love actually makes it easy
Someone said if you love your job it doesn’t become a job anymore it becomes a hobby

Very true, everything you have noted in your article. Youngsters need to also know to be patient. Our lives are going to be lived beyond 60-70 yrs short of some kind of tragedy. So one should not be tempted to do something wrong to get ahead just cause one thinks there is not enough time left. Like you have written, they should spend the time to learn more skills and make themselves more employable in different areas.

Good thoughts and writing ! I hope young people, and even some older ones, read your article and learn from it.

Cheers from #dreemerforlife

Positivity is our watchword and young people should always engage in things that would yield good things in a good way

A lot has been happening lately to our young ones and not really for good. These are masterpiece of advice and I hope those involved would read this for their good and the good of our nation
I came in via #dreemport