Monomad: Squirrely Behavior

I enjoy observing the behavior of animals, and I like to consider why they act the way they do. I find squirrels to be peculiar at times. I have some nuts out for them only to wait hours while they bounce around, ignoring them, then right when I am not looking, they start grabing and munching on them.

Other times a singular squirrel will instantly see the nuts and start picking them up, running off them, and coming back for more. I know they maintain several stashes of food generally, so this must have been a gold mine for this lucky squirrel. I wonder if he was trying to outthink his competition and decided to move quickly to squirrel away this bounty of nuts.

I see many different ones chasing each other around, all going up one tree before coming down again and repeating the chase up another tree. They are always up to something, and I am grateful to be able to observe them up close.