Happy New Year to you too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts here, it was a pleasure to read all your post and agree with you on everything you said and lived.
Cool thing about the twitter meme. 😍That's similar with what I experienced here on hive in my first two months. There was a challenge and I got a comment from someone inviting me to participate. And I was like....yeah sure 🙄.
The price was 200 steem and it was a six weeks challenge. And I won! LOL. It was a cool experience for a newbie who just wrote her few posts on the platform. So I really enjoyed it. 😁
Also, about what you wrote, thats something I got to remember too this year: Gratitude. Be humble. Be grateful for what you already have. Give more. Be happy and content. Be positive.
An Nou Fericit! I wish you only the best this year, Erikah! 🥰🥰🥰
P.S. Cheers to the year of 2024 all the way from Arad!🤗🤗 I dont have a photo with champagne, I hope the prosecco works too. 😂