When High Hopes Meet Reality | Creative Nonfiction

in The Ink Well6 months ago

I to myself, “Let’s not spend everything like this, have some backup.”

The reply was, “Chill, this is like an investment, the path I have started is gonna need such a high config even if it's not just for gaming. It's gonna pay back more than I am spending on this right now.”

Yeah, I am talking about my gaming rig that I built at the end of 2022, with all of my savings, even with a small loan. Yeah, I had to go out of my budget and make a dream come true. Considering the bull run back then and the crypto market situation it wasn’t something to worry about. I was sure to get back what I had invested. How? Crypto and the backup I had planned to go as second place to lean on if crypto stops favoring me. Almighty knows why I had thought like that, it was a good one, came true. Is the crypto space the same as the last bull run? Talk about our home, hive!! You have your answers so half of my predictions were legit while the rest of them went in vain due to my faults.

Markus Spiske

“2000 USD on a pc, isn't it too much?” my elder brother asked me. It was really too much to get to where I belong.

“Yeah, it is, but it's gonna yield me more as I am working on something new that's gonna need huge processing power, a powerful rig to run that software,” I said to my brother. Well, I wasn’t lying, I was introduced in this posh way and I thought this would give me an upper hand in that sector or place. For example, in video editing, having a good rig is necessary, only a certain percentage of people can afford that initially and so I was eager to go something like this. How can I forget gaming?

I kept spending the way I wanted, like water. And guess what, I ran out of money and had to take out a loan from an older brother, a good guy.

“You got your ultimate gaming rig or workstation, it's time to be productive and yield better returns, right?” my inner self asked me.

I was like,” Yeah, sure, but lemme enjoy a little bit. I will be gaming on this, and flexing on social media. About the work, I am on it, slowly and steadily.”

“No, you're just idling away your time without doing anything meaningful throughout the whole day. There’s going to be a change of tides, better get prepared.”

I knew the meaning of this feeling very well, I too planned to counter these worse situations but my bad luck. I just made plan after plan, mind-blowing ones, and never really executed them properly so that the ending would turn out fruitful.

Time flies away so quickly, it's like a few months that I had planned this but in reality, so many months and years have gone in between. What did I mostly do? Watched movies and series straight for a year, game on this for a few months or so, that too occasionally. It hasn’t served its purpose, actually, I didn’t extract it properly, It's my fault. Nor have I done gaming nor I was successful in that particular area and I had made some excuses to build this setup. Trust me, all the things I've done so far could have been easily done with my former potato pc. This one didn’t serve its purpose till today. The fault is mine, right? Yeah, it is.

“Why didn’t I save that money or better invest somewhere else?” I ask myself this.

The reply was,” You invested in where you felt like, who knows the future? Yeah, the mistake was counting the chickens before they were hatched. You could have worked on your backup plans first, and when your skills bottleneck with your system then you should have gone for that extremely upgraded rig.”

Yeah, that's one hundred percent true. People work hard and improve their skill sets, and with those steady improvements, they upgrade their equipment as needed. I thought I would need them when I get skilled in this particular place so why not get them ready beforehand and just go YOLO? That's the mistake, I counted them even before I was near them.

That one particular decision to count chickens before they were hatched is haunting me even today, every day, in every possible way. May we not make these kinda mistakes anymore, be aware, and go with what is before us right now, not something that has a possibility of not working out.

Join this week's Creative Nonfiction prompt by TheInkWell Community


What happened to you, I think it happens to anyone. We get blinded and see priorities that are not and act irresponsibly. Greetings

Yeah, it hits different people differently.
Thank you for stopping by.

