Are noisy Libraries a 21st-century norm?

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Upon entering the silent zone of the library, I sat opposite an unsophisticated individual who senselessly bonked his keyboard, as if he were releasing pent-up anger.

Everyone sat unheedingly with annoyance written across their faces, yet no one said anything. However, my dagger eyes must have been a cue that I was about to address the elephant in the room because everyone looked jittery, except the culprit, who carried on oblivious to the traditional etiquette of a library's silent zone.

I slightly pulled my adjoining desk away from the preliterate man's desk in an attempt to lessen the vibration, but that was inadequate.

As luck would have it, I jumped into the grave of a man who was adjacent to me, which made everyone, including the brutish man, look around at me.
I resumed working, and by then the uncultured man appeared self-conscious and lightened his fingers before packing up and exiting the premises, to everyone's silent boo-ya.

Did I miss the memo? Is there no longer a need to abide by or police silent zones in libraries?

Back in the day, one of my librarian duties was to maintain quiet and order in a library, which was not limited to verbal communication only.
I think that situational awareness involves more than being able to identify and mitigate physical harm; it also includes people's abilities to curb mannerisms and nuances that are disruptive to others around them in public and private spaces.

Another mixture of low intelligence that irks me is someone holding and staring at their phone with loud successive incoming notifications.

The fella two chairs away from me had this retarded thing going on. He was looking at his phone and responding to incoming messages, yet loud notifications were coming in. That, for me, is the action of an imbecile, but to avoid pointing out the obvious, I turned up my computer volume so he could listen to my melodious Discord notifications.
That did the trick, because he got the idea and silenced his mobile.

There was a level of normality in the library for a few hours, which felt pleasant, and I got the chance to enjoy the warm, comfortable location with an exceptionally great workspace.

Then, suddenly, a man entered and sat two desks away from me. If he were not in plain sight, I would have sworn that he was vigorously lifting weights.

The man must have been thinking with all his 'might' as he tapped away. I chuckled, wondering if I should swap these brochures and put up some "Caution Men at Work" signs.

I understand that it's the modern age and wearing a headset is the norm. However, just because one is wearing a headset doesn't give one the right to be ignorant and discourteous to others in close vicinity.

Libraries here in the UK are government spaces, and this one, in particular, is multi-faceted with activities and sections where people can interact and socialise.

Is it too much to monitor the silent zone or for visitors to observe the rules of being quiet?

All images are mine and were taken at the Newton Abbot Public Library, UK, in January 2024.


That sounds like an infuriating experience all around

holding and staring at their phone with loud successive incoming notifications

I despise this. I personally don't think that anyone should ever have to hear another's notifications at any point but when they are using the phone I want to make them swallow the thing. A woman in my tiny shared office leave her phone at her desk with the sound on and her family likes to call her in batches of 3-5 one right after another as if there is an emergency every single day of life.

One time in a library I was studying for an exam and a guy was wearing headphones that were connected to his phone, but they must have been slightly disconnected because his phone was playing in the open air and through the headphones. he didn't realize it but fuck was it annoying. He spent about 10 minutes testing all of his different ring tones, notification sounds and alarms options, picking which he wanted to use permanently Im guessing. someone finally said something after 10 minutes of that. It must have been a new phone for him I'm guessing

I want to make them swallow the thing.

This made me smile big!

Good lord! You must hate that woman in your office. How inconsiderate. Gosh! You will have to find a way to address her somehow. Whether directly or indirectly. Otherwise, it's going to happen one of the days when your tolerance is low and you might do the wrong thing 🤔😇

Yeah, I get that as well, people use headsets and they might as well not have on a damn thing, cos you can hear everything the same.
I think that people are rude and selfish:))

I'm going to be moving offices soon so shouldn't be a problem for long.

Yeah that's true about headphones and hearing right through them a lot of the time

I hope you'll be completely happy with the new office 🤞

There's a free public library not far from me. It is annoying when people come in and make noise.

Unfortunately sometimes tweekers (meth users)come in and sit down and carry on with loud conversations with nobody nearby to them. Usually the librarian will politely ask them to be quiet and will ask them to leave if they continue on. It's uncomfortable even if they are not making noise. I don't know why they don't just kick them out to begin with. I say this because they are showing signs of disorderly. Almost always they don't use the facilities for the purpose. I've seen before where someone who was drunk was asked to leave with no warning not sure why these individuals get a chance to stay.

There you have it my rants and complaints about disorderly people in libraries, haha

I have noticed that the modern days have changed the libraries. The quiet zone is much smaller and is infringed on more. Take care

I have noticed that the modern days have changed the libraries. The quiet zone is much smaller and is infringed on more.


The thought of vulnerable people hanging out at libraries didn't occur to me because I don't see that here at all, or not in the cities that I visit.

I'm surprised that the libraries wait until it's drastic to ask them to leave though.

It's always great chatting with you:)))

I don't go all that often but I have found if I go first thing in the morning it's much more pleasant. The vulnerables are probably still sleeping. I remember the good ole days of quiet libraries.

Hey I got something for you:

I think it was you that was interested in the how 😊

I think it was you that was interested in the how 😊

Yes, it was me. I will try this out one of these days😋

I can't see the photos though, which is a shame.

I appreciate you finding this and sending me the link. Awesome :)))

Hmm I wonder why you can't see pictures.

I appreciate you finding this and sending me the link. Awesome :)))

Oh I didnt find it, I wrote it. Newbie Community owner now, haha

Oh I didn't find it, I wrote it. Newbie Community owner now


Congrats! That's a cool initiative... Shame I didn't see this community before, cos I've been doing some crazy ice cream creations while at my m-i-l over Christmas. I'll keep it in mind:)))

Well who knew you were a librarian once up a time! :D Hah!

And you do sound like one here! But I feel ya.

There's something quite sacred about a decent Library, I think? Or feel as well, really. Like a Museum, I guess. I don't want to disturb the history and energy of places like that.

Eh. Smart devices. Perhaps they should take them off folks on entry...

I tend to tap on my keyboard, btw. Now trying to type lightly!

Hugs, M. I hope you have a quiet, peaceful weekend! <3

There's something quite sacred about a decent Library, I think? Or feel as well, really. Like a Museum, I guess. I don't want to disturb the history and energy of places like that.

I like your way of thinking there Nicky!

Yeah, I had a part time job as a library as part of my scholarship programme.

A happy weekend to you too. Lots of love:)))

Reminds me of this classic video.

This is library

Haha, good one🙌
I'm at the library now and I almost burst out laughing 😆

Made me miss the feeling of going to a library, which I used to do back in the day... How things have changed!
What caught my eye in your post is the work space offer. Sounds such a good idea and not that expensive, by English standards I mean.

The workspace offer. Sounds like such a good idea and not that expensive

Yeah, when you think about it, someone could live in a mobile home like a small campervan, and use the facilities and work or study, if they needed to.🤔

Most Brits are way too polite to tell ask people directly to be quiet unless you're a little granny who doesn't care a toss about telling people off, they are so cute!

The Train Library!! I went there the other year before we met up!

Yeah, I realise that! But I'm like that little granny already 😆

The Train Library!! I went there the other year before we met up!

I remember you said so. It's such a comfortable library, apart from the occasional noise:)

I love the way you came up with a clever way to deal with the loud notifications without confronting the person directly. It can be tough to consider others in shared spaces, and your approach let you express your discomfort indirectly without causing any arm.. Good one.

Haha! Yeah, I learnt that from my husband 😆

I'm kind of happy that I didn't confront any of them, but maybe I have a different approach to nuances now:)))

Yeah. I love that about you and a big kudos to your husband for cultivating that habit and making you learn from.. Fight and chaos is not the result to everything..

Fight and chaos is not the result to everything..

Very true💯

Ah this makes me want to go visit the library in town. We have this really beautiful one in an old stone mansion that was refurbished over it’s really cool!

There are a lot of people who don’t have as much awareness anymore, with the focus on being oneself so strongly of late. It’s unfortunate! I hope that we can get back to a better state but I’m glad you didn’t have some shitbag influencer moron in there. I cringe at the day when I see one of those fucks near my space lol

Oh, dear! I haven't seen any influencers on this side, but I can imagine how annoying they can be.
I trust that you're doing well, and thanks for stopping by:)))

I guess disrespect is the 21st century norm. Or perhaps lack of punching in the face too.

Yeah, I think both 😆

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