When ever you are pursing something and you haven't achieve it, keep pursuing it

in HiveGhana2 months ago

Indeed life is so unpredictable, we don't know what next that may happen and that makes it difficult for human to be certain of the future or what the future have rather we keep pushing and hoping that the future brings something great and amazing but the pretty question is what is the future didn't bring the amazing expectations into reality can we be Patience enough to wait for it to manifest, because it is just like a destiny that can only be delay, but can never be deny only if you work towards achieving them not by relaxing, seating down and watching.

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The Road to success is not always smooth and we are always aware of this but we keep on going, that's determination per say, however we in one way or the other must have something that Keep.us going, it can be a word or someone maybe anything. For me, I have just two things that always kept me going most especially in the line of success, these two are my favourite quote and my parents. This quote meant alot to me and people already knows me with it and I tried as much as possible to uphold the quote and the quote is When ever you are pursing something and you haven't achieve it, keep pursuing it yes this quote came up as a way of strengthening myself in terms of difficulty. I can remember vividly when I came about this quote. It all started when I was in secondary school when I was preparing for 3,000 meter race and then it wasn't an easy one but I had to do it. I was placed on a specific diet and exercise until that very day, then I told myself that if I haven't achieve this that I can't stop at the half way, so this decision helped me and at last I came out as the winner of that very race.

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The next is My parents, just are time passes they have lived their own life and set some records which I told myself I will break all their positive records, so when Ever I look at myself and those target I keep on pushing because giving up is not the best option ever. It may seems to be the best thing to you at the point of falls, difficulty but when you check out most persons who have given up you will come to realize that if you haven't achieve that which you are pursing, there's no need to stop, you just have to keep up pursing it until you achieve it.

Yes! What if I tell you that this decision have been helping me and others, because alot of people knows about the quote and I believe they sometimes in life meditate in those words. I can also remember when I fail my first PTS Examination when entering Nursing school it wasn't an easy one, I never gave up rather I strive back and continue keeping because I haven't achieve my Goal, see me today graduating next Month. All these are products of not giving up.

In conclusion, life may be so much hard on you, but I advise you get a particular thing that will make you to continue pushing, just like I will always say. "When ever you are pursing something and you haven't achieve it, keep pursuing it". Keep your head up and focus and your shoulder high.

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