in SciFi Multiverse9 days ago

"When the long awaited rain dropped after many months without rain fall." The weather is one of those thing that control the atmospheric conditions of the planet earth. In the planet earth where we live in, is one that is controlled by many factors and one of the Factors I will be talking about in this post is the climate changes, weather Factor to be specific. The weather in my location might not be the same weather condition in your side, this is why it can be hot or Cold and it differs from location. In Abia State, just as a state in Nigeria might have over 3 weather condition at the same time..

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That was yesterday when every was very hot and the environments are full of heat, every is looking for a cool temperature environment, boom 💥 all of a sudden the cloud started changing and the breeze started, it was strong and immediately it started to become cold 🥶 so I just thought of one thing I was taught in school then in secondary school after that I called one of my friend in umuahia and I asked her if it is raining in umuahia and boom 💥 is was raining heavily and I called another person then she said that the rain is just drizzling but they are all in the same umuahia, but the weather were actually slightly different from each other.

After about an hour and some minutes the first rain of the year started falling in my location, at first I thought it was a joke when the rain dropped on my face and I was like "Is this really rain"? I have to run back home because I was actually outside coming back. After which the rain finished falling the environment became very cold 🥶 and then I came to the conclusion that weather contributes to the condition of the environment.


Over here in Benue State, we are yet to expirence even a drop for the year. I guess it will come soon enough

Hopefully sooner or later it will definitely drop..

That is what we pray for @mavisclarie

Hello @mavisclarie

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