As usual, when I came home from the crowd, my son, number 3, invited me to look for rove beetles, "my son said it easily." I am also very happy if my child asks for it because I also want to introduce some insects that exist but are rarely seen, and with this my child can get to know the world of macro animals.
And you can see some macro lens shots as below.
Aspidimorpha miliaris adalah spesies kumbang Asia yang tersebar luas milik keluarga Chrysomelidae. Nama genus sering salah eja sebagai "Aspidomorpha", karena perubahan ejaan yang tidak dapat dibenarkan pada tahun 1848klik link
Friends, you can see his little fingers and mine when he sees a beetle on a leaf that wants to fly. and at the end, my son is looking at the edge of a small forest
Seeing him there, I smiled a little because he wanted to learn and ask me lots of questions.
Photohraphy | serangga |
Location | aceh, indonesia |
Camera | smartphone & macro lans |
Editing | lighroom app |
Writer | @lingkar-photo |