Hi everyone, Today I felt very lucky because I was able to find and photograph several Coprinellus radians mushrooms growing on the surface of dead durian trees. This experience was very interesting because this mushroom is known for its bioluminescence phenomenon, a rare ability that makes it look shiny under cloudy skies, this moment gave me the opportunity to get closer to a natural wonder that is rarely seen for many people.
When I first saw this mushroom I didn't immediately recognize what type it was, but when I paid more attention to its shape I realized that these mushrooms have very unique shapes and characteristics, they grow in small groups on the surface of dead durian trees and begin the process of decay, a It is common to find many types of mushrooms, but what differentiates the Coprinellus radians mushroom from other mushrooms is its ability to create soft light glare, especially when the sun is almost setting, while during the day this mushroom looks like other mushrooms in general.
The dead durian tree on which this fungus grows seems to provide the perfect substrate for the fungus to grow. The dead durian tree which decomposes slowly provides rich organic material which is the main source of nutrition for this fungus. This dead wood decomposition process is an important part of the process. forest life cycle, where various organisms including fungi play a role in breaking down organic material into elements that can be used by other life in the surrounding environment.
I observed that these mushrooms grow in a very distinctive way, they start their life as spores carried by wind and insects, then develop into mycelium which travels along the surface of the wood, from this mycelium the fruiting bodies that I introduce today emerge as mushrooms. "Coprinellus radians", as far as I know, this mushroom does not grow in large quantities in one place, but when found they are often very striking because the color of this mushroom seems to have a light glow.
finding mushrooms like Coprinellus radians is a very satisfying experience, because apart from having high scientific value they also show amazing views, so on this occasion I feel very lucky because I asked for the opportunity to document several sides of mushrooms to share with all of you, camera I couldn't fully capture the beauty of the natural light that this mushroom has, but I was satisfied with the shots I managed to get.
The Coprinellus radians mushroom is clear proof of how amazing our nature is, full of wonders that are often hidden and can only be discovered by those who dare to explore the surrounding environment, as part of a larger ecosystem the Coprinellus radians mushroom plays an important role in the process of decomposition and recycling of materials organic, the Coprinellus radians fungus is part of the ever-rotating forest life cycle, they provide nutrients for plants and other living creatures through the decomposition process that they carry out naturally.