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RE: [ESP-ENG] Las habilidades humanísticas esenciales en la era digital.

in Humanitaslast month

We will do better in the world if we have good soft skills, I agree.

I strive to be respectful and remember that we are all human and in a constant learning process.

Perfect, that sums it up in one sentence. And from reading you here for years now, I know that you are that kind of person - respectful and empathetic. :)

Un fuerte abrazo! 🤗


Hi Kenny, how are you? I hope you had a good start of the year! 😊
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, being a human being with values is something that is in short supply nowadays but even if we don't get what we give, we should always give our best. A big hug to you too 🧡