It is autumn now. And at this time the sight of white clouds floating in the sky is a common sight. These views can be seen from dawn to sunset. Every year around this time the flowers and white clouds herald the arrival of the century. At this time, the scenes of floating white clouds are like to fascinate anyone. Especially during the sunset, the white clouds and the sunlight creates a scene that is truly amazing and in a word, it is easy to mesmerize anyone. These scenes have always been one of my favorite scenes. Especially the patterns that the white clouds create in the sky look like a painter has created them with great skill.
I try to walk the streets of our village almost every day in the afternoon. Then I see the different conditions of the sky and the patterns that the different white clouds and sun light create in the sky and these scenes are really amazing to me. Sunsets in particular are one of my favorites and I find the patterns created by the combination of black and white clouds and the sunset to me at this time. A few days ago when I was walking through the streets of our village in the afternoon, these scenes looked so beautiful that I took some photographs of these scenes and enjoyed the beauty with them.