My childhood memories.

in Emotions & Feelings7 months ago (edited)

My childhood was filled with alot of excitement and wonderful experiences because obviously I had no phone or access to Internet all I had was just an hunched back television where i normally watch movies with my friends and families.

I was always fond of watching movies by Jackie chan and Jet li , they were my favourite actors and they literally made my childhood experience lively. Also, they where cartoons I was fond of watching like Dora the explorer, Ben 10, Power rangers , Avatar the last airbender , Spongebob square pants and all.

I was very unserious and nonchalant as a kid , infact, I love to have fun and not stay indoors reading, or doing assignments.

I grew up with a single mum in a small town where they where boys that knew how to have fun.

I could remember the time where we the boys in my street will gather ourselves and go to the game shop in the next street just to play Pro Evolution Soccer on PlayStation 2. It was really lovely as we used to steal from our mummies purse to pay and to play with each other. We sometimes even get into arguments while playing this game. Losing this game always bring so much pain especially if there is someone mocking you or laughing at your loss in one corner where you guys are sitted.

We also normally play street football which is called Set . To play every set we always place four tyres and sometimes giant stones on the streets as our goal post and form a team of 4 which normally contain 4 players each. It was really fun then because when someone gets dribbled we are definitely going to make jest of him, we also had a brother in my street who always buys us biscuits and drinks in packs and awards it to the team that emerges as the winner of every Set as well as the best player from the set in general. Due to the gifts he always had for us ,we were always trying to impress him and make him want to buy or dash us something. We even went ahead and made him our coach all because of food 🤣.

Now have you heard about renting of bicycles. My childhood was really fun trust me, there was this woman that had alot of bicycles in front of her shop , with a man in charge , she was using it as means of making money. What she does is that, you will pay a certain money for every hour you intend to be with that bicycle,you can pay for an hour,2 hours ,3 hours. So what we boys do is to go to her shop rent this bicycles and make sure we use our money to our taste. We will ride the bicycles to far places and even do racing with it and not return back at the appointed time , sometimes we will ride it on mud and it will be very dirty. Now at the time of return,the woman will be fuming by the way we used the bicycle.

Learning how to ride a bicycle wasn't easy for me,I sustained alot of injuries while trying to learn and during racing ,those injuries have now turned to dark scars on my body.

I wasn't living with my dad but I had the priviledge to be close to his mum. My grandmother was very charming and amazing, she was a religious woman and was fond of advicing me and helping me out in terms of need. She knew her son wasn't really doing much for us but was always informing us not to think about it and just move on. She is someone I can't seem to forget ever in my life. It was August 21 2011 on my 8th birthday , and no one including my mum was willing to give me any gift,I knew I had a caring grandma so I just went to meet her "grandma today is my birthday oo, won't you give me anything??" and immediately , she rolled down her rapper where she kept her money and gave me 500 naira which is about 0.34 dollars. I was very excited because this money was really high that year and I used it to buy alot of sweets and biscuits to celebrate myself. She died in 2012 and that really brought so much pain and tears to my eyes.

I would definitely do anything to revive this memories I had from my childhood . The world has changed, everyone just seems focused trying to make money or something else and don't even have time to have fun anymore.

I have alot of scars and injuries that are still on my body from my childhood and that has really made me strong and tough up to this moment. I am glad I had to go through these experiences as a child because they taught me alot and made me the person I am today.

Thanks for reading.

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What a beautiful and cherished moment of you including that of your grandma. You were able to know about her before she died and I believe those lessons she gave to you are still part of you today. It's not easy being trained by a single mother but here you are trying to do your best and become strong and better. I wish you all the best of life.

You are right been trained by a single mum is not easy at all . Thanks so much for the kinds word sis ,I really do appreciate 🙏

What a loving grandma you had... I wish I had a grandma who would give me money hehe.

And also you were so cute when you were little 😁

Learning how to ride a bicycle wasn't also easy for me but am grateful that I didn't sustain much injury while learning.
NICE post