Wow, I am ecstatic looking at the amount of things in very good condition that you have found in that fabulous place... It is a really big place as I see... This article of yours today is one of the ones I have enjoyed the most because of things like those 5.25" diskettes (I started studying computer science in 1986, those were my first storage media... Damn, I feel old hehe!)... And that old lady in front of the microphones!... It's Golda Meir!... I guess you knew that and you're joking hehehe :)!... Also in the top left photo she is seen with Moshé Dayán gosh!... Are those real photos?... Impressive!... The vinyl records, the old sewing machine, the books... Holy heavens!... So many wonderful things!... Thank you very much for sharing this work @slobberchops friend, it really was something wonderful to see!...
!discovery 42