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RE: Blue Pancakes

I don't do blueberries, but everyone else I know does, however, I can still imagine that if you like the berries, these would be devine.

Somehow though, my brain barely knows what to do with the color of the pancakes. LOL!!! It was fun to see though.


Store bought blueberries like these are not my favorite. Now freshly picked wild blueberries are a different story! They are delicious.

Blue food is rather weird.... Except for blue raspberry flavored candies!

Oh.... and the blue conversation hearts that the company that owns them now added. The first year I saw them I turned up my mental nose to the idea that they would add such a thing, but turns out they are pretty tasty too. Before that I would always say "blue food is poison"...LOL

I still have one box of Sweethearts left. I like the blue ones, too!

I was at Walgreens last weekend and although that is not what I went for, as I walked through they had gathered the last of the Valentine's candy at one end of the counter and much to my surprise, there were still some packs of conversation hearts! It was the packs that have 5 of the individual boxes cellophaned together. Originally they were something like $3.98 each, but were 75 percent off, making them a dollar a pack or 20 cents per box. You know I grabbed several when I saw that. I have noticed that the boxes are very inconsistent on the amounts they have in them and one I opened last night only had 4 hearts in it. It had been totally sealed when I opened it. I had to laugh, because I certainly don't need to be eating them and I still had more, but it was kind of funny to me.

4 hearts! That is beyond inconsistent!
Glad they were a bargain price.