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RE: Compulsory Medical Checkups: Healthy Intentions, Unhealthy Approach

in Hive Learners10 days ago

Hello, love.
Well said! Your intentions might be good but your approach will make it wrong. Medical check ups are great but there are so many things to consider.

Just imagine those in villages where they don’t even have a proper hospital and even a good health care. This idea will only be a torment to them. There are other ways to go about making people go for check ups than making it compulsory with punishment attached to it.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, love. ❤️


Hello, love.
Well, this is weird.😂

This is a very good example, love. Imagine villages without hospitals or health centers. That means villagers would have to travel to another place all in the name of compulsory medical checkups. That's punishment.

Why is it weird? 😂

Guyyy! You get the picture. I believe if the government focuses on building standard hospitals, clinics and health centers at strategic locations, it will encourage people to go for regular checkups.

“Hello, love” is just so weird.😂😂
Exactly, darling. If there are many and enough hospitals, people will be encouraged to go for regular checkups.

Oh! Okay, love. 😂

Yeah, the more they see that people are getting treated well, others will be willing to go too.