Strike The Balance Of Being Strong And Peaceful At Thesame Time.

in Cent9 months ago

The life we live is filled with so many trials and challenges, only the strongest get something at the end of the day.


If you are an advocate of peace, you must first show your strength and capacity to fight, so everyone can see how strong you are. You can decide to use anyone as a scapegoat to set examples for others, so they take you for granted just because you decide to choose the peaceful way.

Humans are so chosen and manipulative in nature. Once people see that you are weak, they will tend to manipulate and use you to their own advantage. They will always attack you when they see that you can stand your ground and are afraid of those who do.

The best way to avoid both ends. You don't want to be too nice to the extent that you are very weak to be easily used. And also you don't want to be fierce and arrogant that people start being afraid of you. There should be a balance between the two, not too nice and weak, and not too vicious and feared.

Know how to put people in the rightful place they deserve. You should be able to portray friendliness so others can come close and interact with you. And also at the same time you should be able to show strength when people have started disrespecting you and take you for granted. If you received many disrespect from someone it seems they have seen you to be very weak, and if you notice too much fear from someone, it means you have been too hard on them.

Strike the balance. Those who gain wealth, fulfilment and power are those who know how to balance life and put people in the rightful place they belong.


In this life, we need a balance. If we shy away from it, we will be left wondering, where did it all go wrong? One end should not hold so much weight that the rest of our world will come crumbling down if that end goes wrong.

Life is all about figuring out the best time for actions to take in a balance.

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