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RE: Book Review: Bahiyya’s Eyes

in Hive Book Club6 days ago (edited)

The truth is that just reading your review made my heart ache. What a raw story 🥹

So glad you were encouraged to read this book even though it was no longer necessary for your studies. by the way, what are you studying?

I've never read African female authors. Do you have any top favorites you would recommend?


Your comment made my heart flutter.❤️

I'm studying English and Literature - books, books, and more books!. Last semester, one of our courses was African Women Authors. We explored the works of selected African women authors.

If you're interested in their works, I recommend reading Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Oyinkan Braithwaite's "My Sister the Serial Killer" is also good.

Wow, that's so cool!Now it makes sense that you write so well.

That's a very good career. I'm a lawyer, but every so often I wonder if it would be a good idea to study Literature as a second career, just for fun 😸

Thanks so much for the recommendations! I'll take a look at them 🩷

What! This is interesting. 😂

You know, I've always wanted to study law. It was my childhood dream, and I nurtured it until I graduated from high school. But life has an interesting way of pulling its strings, and I ended up here. I wouldn't say I regret choosing this course, but if I were given another opportunity, I'd pick law.

When I was in high school, Law was not my first choice, but Modern Languages, but as it happened to you, life did its thing and here I am.
Although honestly, nowadays I don't think I would study Modern Languages. For a long time I thought that I didn't like my career that much, that maybe it wasn't for me, but in the end I realized that I would choose it again, of course, focusing a little more on the major that interests me.

You're living the life, really. Sometimes I imagine myself in a lawyer's robe, with its fancy stitching and serious-looking wig. I'm glad you're happy and doing well. I am, too.❤️