More Crypto Rise With Older Gen. Getting Interest in Crypto.

in LeoFinance2 months ago


There are many in the older cohort that are now seeing the boom in crypto prices as a potential to earn enough for retirement. The time crypto prices sore is so quick and high that it is luring in older generations to try invest in since many have struggled saving enough for retirement since the Great Financial Crisis and even before that.

A survey in 2020 had in the US age cohort of 55 - 64 age had an average total net worth of $57,200. With retirement looming, many lack pensions, and life expectancy expected to be longer today than in past generations these individuals are in desperate need to have more nest-egg to survive on.

FOMO from Boomers

Public posts are shown daily on Market Watch on financial questions form common Americans who wish to seek advice. Today one individual who identifies himself as a boomer is admitting he is FOMOing in the recent crypto boom. He wants to invest what he has in his nest-egg in hopes to 10x or more the investment. Seeing how certain cryptos have perform this way it only seems fair to assume other cryptos would do the same.

Here is link to the article. What is intriguing is how many more baby boomers who have money to invest or want to invest is now interested in cryptocurrency.

Boomers with $1 Trillion into Crypto

An article written last month from talks about one cryptocurrency expert predicting boomers will put $1 trillion into investing in cryptocurrency. The boomers appear to have appeal investing in cryptocurrency now more than ever and whether they are desperate for big returns or have large sums of money trying to put to work it seems its just one more cohort that will make crypto boom ever lasting.


Just look base on current market cap of close to 10k of coins/tokens at nearly $2.4 Trillion. If boomers put $1 Trillion more into this market cap it is just amazing how much higher all the coins would rise.

None of what I write is financial advice. It is for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for reading!

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