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RE: Out Of The Box Art, Again

in Photography Lovers11 months ago

I have a phobia of medical instruments! Seriously, I even get uncomfortable seeing the equipment for annual BP tests, and break out into a cold sweat when I have to have travel injections, it is weird, the procedure doesn't bother is just seeing the equipment! SO the last two me no likey!!!!

The others are great works, I personally think that the earlier pieces are spoilt with the addition of the gilt framing, it detracts they eye and seems out of place?


Most likely no one likes medical instruments, but to develop a phobia ... You must have experienced something really unpleasant that led to phobia.

As about the framing, that counts as much as the artwork, in my opinion. I often mention the frames. Gilt frames are usually used to give the painting a more old look, to place it back to the 18th - 19th century, when these golden frames were a must, so to speak. I always prefer something simple, but at the end of the day, it depends on the painting too. I'm with you on this one though.

it was probably down to a 2 hour operation, under local anaesthetic, which kept wearing off, in an out patients cubicle sewing back together some severed tendons, thats after first probing the deep open wound with a sharp instrument looking for nerve damage, no anaesthetic!!!!

Afterwards even a nurse took me to one side and apologised saying that should never have happened. I should have sued but it never crossed my mind LOL, bit late now happened nearly 30 years ago