Hello everyone welcome to my blog. When I saw this week’s topic I couldn’t help than to be a part of this interesting topic.
To most people, men aren’t supposed to help out in the kitchen as was done in the older days. But a lot has changed now and we are evolving as individuals. What’s your take on men helping out in the kitchen in today’s world? Are you for or against it?
Most people still see it as a taboo for a man to help out in the kitchen they still feel it’s an act of insult and disregard for the men to be seen in the kitchen especially women from the older generation. The society then had it that the place of the women were in the kitchen and that time we had full housewives staying at home to cater for the family while the man went to work to provide for the family. But as the world keeps evolving there is need for the men to be actively involved in helping out in the kitchen.
While growing up my mum was only concerned about only her female children to being actively in the kitchen and when we females complained that the male also should be actively involved in learning kitchen ethics my mum will ask us to live them that they will have wives that will do it for them. Fast forward till when they had to leave home and stay on their own because of school we discover that my male siblings have little or no idea to keep a house talk more of even knowing what to do to become food to eat at then they started regretting that they should have also find time to help out in the kitchen so they can also learn in the process they resulted to daily buying of food till they came back for break that was when I saws my male siblings showing interest to help out in the kitchen so that they can also learn in the process.
Like I stated earlier the world has evolved and things have really changed and there is need for the men to always help out in today’s world. Before the women were mostly house wives but now we have more women working now to assist their husbands and also taking care of the home so there is need for the man to help assist in that kind of scenario. But because of how some men were brought up they tend to allow only their wives take care of the home and also work and still please them. Using a nurse as an example, A case where a man probably a lecturer marrying a nurse, if we can tell that a nurse job is so demanding than a job of a lecturer and the husband will in most cases be available than the wife and for the growth of the family and for peace, the husband too can always assist the wife to take care of the home. It demands understanding and love. It should be emphasized that there is actually no big crime in a man assisting his wife in the kitchen or to also run the affairs of the home, in cases where the wife is absent, at work, sick, or during child delivery that she will need help too. This simple act will aid bringing love, peace and unity to the family. So I am strongly of the opinion that the men should be actively involved in helping out in the kitchen.
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I am @gloreal.