Кульбаба #17 (Dandelion #17)

in Picture A Day9 months ago
Знайшов цю милу кульбабу у своєму саду і вирішив поділитися її пухнастою красою з вами, поки вона не розпочала свою подорож. До речі, а чи знали ви, що кульбабою можна ворожити? Загадуєте бажання, дуйте на кульбабу, і скільки насіння полетить - стільки й місяців вам доведеться чекати на його виконання. Але, я не перевіряв, занадто довго чекати.Found this cute dandelion in my garden and decided to share its fluffy beauty with you before it starts its journey. By the way, did you know that you can tell fortunes with a dandelion? Make a wish, blow on the dandelion, and as many seeds will fly - as many months as you will have to wait for its fulfillment. But, I didn't check, too long to wait.


Canon EOS M6 Mark IIEF100mm f/2.8 Macro USM

But did you blow the dandelion? 😁 Seeing the flower, convinces you to blow too. 😊

No, I didn't do that. When you see a flower, I recommend that you pluck the petals, but most importantly, do not count their number

Why I must not count the number? I wanted to know the reason.

Because you can get exactly the result you want

Thank you for sharing. I wish we have dandelions in the area.😊😊

The captured images are quite good and I like looking at them. Good afternoon for today and hopefully it remains the best for all of us.

Thank you