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RE: New Mindset

in Reflections7 months ago

I like your new mindset. It's actually looks Humans tend to collect a lot of stuff. Throwing things away that you might use sometime in the future is very common.
The more space you have, the more things you will buy.

Decluttering is quite popular. We even have a TV show for it which I like to watch. They take all stuff from a house of a family that has too much stuff and display it in a giant shed. They then have to get rid of all the things they don't use or need. They can choose to sell, donate, or recycle the belongings they want to get rid of. They often end up with 1/3rd or 1/4th of their stuff. It's a real eye-opener for a lot of them.

A tidy house also has a calming effect.
Are you also going to pay more attention buying new things?