Just last week, we had a deep discussion about the electric supply in my area. Well let me do a brief introduction. I hail from a beautiful country called Nigeria precisely middle belt. It is various close to the federal Capital Territory. The electric supply has of recent been a great matter of talk. Sometimes i wonder how we got to where we are.
Power supply is a challenge that affects virtually every sector in my country. When there is no adequate power supply, it affects businesses and factories which normally allows the use of generators and other power supply that is not eco friendly which retard life.
Previously the power supply was the sole responsibility of the government but presently it has been previtized. They thought this would produce a better results not knowing that it would end worsening the whole situation. I can boldly say that the power system in my country is growing from better to worse. No improvement at all rather things are becoming outrageous.
The so-called private firm that controls the power supply now don't do their work diligently rather extort money from people by inflicting unnecessary charges on people. The more you attempt to clear off the bills the more they increase it without any just reason. This reminds me when i first packed into an apartment, the land lord never told me he was using prepaid metre hence there are other things to clear off before using it. Immediately i entered, once we subscribe, it doesn't take up to the required days before it gets finished. Is not as though we havr debts. After complaints everything proofed abortive.
They don't even supply the power at the required time neither are they even consistent.
Truly speaking the power supply in my country is not good at all. Recently I was discussing with my wife, i told her once i packed to my house, I wouldn't mind to install solar system where i would be independent and have my light 24hours without any interruption. I visited ny friend in one village, i discovered that what they use is solar system. They have 24hours light which you enjoyed as long as you paid. I told him i like that.
Conclusively, powe supply is not encouraging at all. I resort to use solar and possibly generator to ease my self the stress. Even though we have a minister of power yet we don't have constant power supply. They have made all kinds of promises but yet nothing.
How i wished i am the minister of power, hmmm i would have transformed lots of things. Thanks for reading through my entry.